Thursday, February 18, 2010

My Flipbook

Here is my flipbook, please comment.


  1. The guy chopped down the tree and it fell on him = karma. I liked how everything was at the bottom of the page so my eyes didn't have to move around as much and it was easier to follow. I wish i had taken up more pages to write my name like you did.

  2. I liked how you had one continuous story through the book. The smooth transitions allowed the viewer to really follow the story and the drawings themselves were done very well.

  3. I liked you story line and how you had one main focus. Your use of space was great and the movement of the tree was very well done! Nice job

  4. Your flipbook reminded me of the story The Giving Tree. The "crash" of the tree was really good. Nice job!

  5. I really liked when the guy chopped down the tree. This story was very detailed and focused the viewer on the plot rather than a plot-line that was all over the place.

  6. liked the cycles!!! glad the guy who chopped down the tree got smushed! too bad that doesnt happen more often in real life!

  7. Your flipbook was really cute. I loved the movement when he filled in the hole in the beginning, and then again when he cut down the tree and it squished him.

  8. Cool, straight ahead concept. I liked the story contained in the animation; it looks like the tree didn't go without a fight.

  9. Your flip book immediately reminded me of "The Giving Tree." I love the irony of your story. The man plants the tree giving it life only to lose his life eventually by trying to kill the tree. Beautifully and painfully ironic.

  10. Really liked the tree chopping sequence. You had really nice detail. It was simple and the differences from frame to frame were subtle but I was able to follow the story easily. Great!

  11. Very nice job! I liked the whole life cycle concept, and the subtle "go green" message hiding in your flipbook! Nicely done!
